Monday 21 November 2011

Need ideas to improve team dynamics in the office?

Do you need ideas to improve team dynamics in the office to motivate yourself and everyone else? What about a list of 30 of them ranging from ensuring birthdays are celebrated to training for a charity race together?
Jane Sunley, CEO of a talent management specialist company, puts forward all these ideas to explain how office team dynamics are 'seriously enhanced by having fun' which is why the list also includes 'learning to dance together' as well as 'avoiding taking stuff too seriously". However she also emphasises that everything is about balance - "you don't want to turn it into a comedy club."
Such ideas are proposed against the background of understanding team dynamics and an individual's motivation. Her article on the Growing Business website, also recommends using psychometric tests as a fast way to understand team dynamics. It might just help to work out which of the many ideas to choose for your team.

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